Siirry pääsisältöön

GermanyGermanyHugo Boss AG

· Xetra
· Valuutta EUR
Tänään %
Tänään +/-
Vaihto (määrä)
280 983
· Xetra
· Valuutta EUR
· Xetra · Valuutta EUR
· Valuutta EUR
Kehitys tänään
Vaihto (määrä)
280 983
86 päivää sitten58 min
1,35 EUR/osake
Viimeisin osinko
3,85 %



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (EUR)
10 104 923

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
1. elok.
5 päivää
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Yhtiökokous14. toukok.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti2. toukok.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti7. maalisk.
2023 Vuosiraportti1. maalisk.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti2. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
86 päivää sitten58 min

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
1. elok.
5 päivää
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Yhtiökokous14. toukok.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti2. toukok.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti7. maalisk.
2023 Vuosiraportti1. maalisk.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti2. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 17. heinäk.
    17. heinäk.
    Én god ting ved en dårlig økonomi i Kina, er at vi slipper for de ulidelige kinesiske turister. Underligt, at de ikke køber deres egne kopivarer i stor stil? Måske har de luret lunten, og har fundet ud af, at deres eget skrammel kun holder i kort tid?
  • 24. toukok.
    24. toukok.
    Hvad sker der her?
  • 24. tammik.
    24. tammik.
    Hva tenker dere om Boss i år?
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    I've been looking at this company for quite some time. My idea to look into the stock was sparked after buying several fragrances and clothes from the BOSS and HUGO brand, and I must say I'm impressed with the constant quality they deliver. After taking a closer look into the company structure and financials, I have decided to buy the stock with the next 14 days, considering the price it has been set to by the market. I have already taken into consideration the short term consequence HUGO BOSS will face like so many others in the market right now. However, this is both a company and brand that i believe in, and which I can see stand the test of time. On top of this, it appears to have a rock solid governance which will ensure both its stability and sustainability for years to come. I recommend everyone to take a good look at their latest annual statement. It will discuss a lot of interesting points.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    I agree with you. Hugo Boss has great potential. The stock price has made a W-formation and despite 2nd wave there is light in the tunnel as several vaccines are on their way. Hugo Boss have a strong balance sheet (with limited net debt if leasing is exclued) that will weather another 3-6 months of (partial) lockdown. Q3 2020 showed that Boss quickly returned to profitability as stores reopened. I guess that Q4 will be somewhere between Q2 and Q3; not as bad as Q2 but more lockdowns than Q3. The licensing business is very margin strong: app 90% EBIT margin for the 3% of total sales (eyewear, fragrances, jewellery/watches (see Movado)). At 20-22 EUR the stock was valued at a lower EV/Sales than when it was down at 9 EUR in 2009. At that time the company had much higher net debt which kept me from buying causing me to miss out a rally to 120 EUR. Many see Boss as a formal wear company but only app 40% is formal wear and less than 1/5 of revenue come from suits. 50% are casual. Many US investors seem to believe that Boss is a formal wear company since that is the impression that many have in the US and Boss has a much higher percentage formal wear in the US market. This leads some US investors to put Boss in the same bucket as Tailored Brands, Brooks Brothers etc that have gone belly up. This is a misconception: Boss has for years adapted to the casual wear trend and kept its brand strong also in casual wear. Example: the HBO-serie Billions show that for many office workers have been wearing casual / smart casual for years. The nerd in the serie (responsible for compliance) is the one wearing suit, tie and west. Hugo Boss can be seen in posh Swedish neighborhoods (e.g. 60 year-old-men wearing their jackets as well as in the "hood" where the "bros" wear their caps, t-shirts etc, i.e. from a brand perspective it is catering to the same clientel as Mercedes car (at least that is my impression). What about the numbers? What about post-corona? My take is that Boss will hopefully be able to return to a pre-covid EPS around 3-3.40 EUR. The momentum going in to this year was strong so the brand was not hurting pre-corona. The shift towards online trading in the years to come (target is to make 400 MEUR revenue online) within a few years and growth in China are the bright spots. With a high value avarage online basket, the postal costs are relatively low for Boss in comparison to low price, fast fashion peers. What about main shareholders? In addition to the potential operational turn around this is a very interesting point: the largest shareholders is an Italian textile family (Marzetto) who is also a supplier to Boss. They have increased their stake from 10 to 15% this year. The second largest shareholder (or shareholder to be?) is one of UK's prime fashion players: Mike Ashley (Frasers). On July 3rd 2020, it was reported that he, through options, had secured access to more than 10% of Boss shares. I do not know if the delivery of the stocks are dependant on the strike price when the options are due in December 2020 and March 2021 but it is reported that Mike Ashley seeks a seat at the board so my assumption is that he ultimately will have a 10% stake. In June Manager Magazin reported that the Italians is looking for a PE-partner and Mike Ashley have recently also added massively to his Mulberry position so there are is lot of exciting potential that the big boys will get into a fight over the control over Hugo Boss. Disclaimer: I own Hugo Boss shares today, I may sell tomorrow or keep the shares for years... before investing, do your own research. All stocks can go to zero. My EPS assumption of 3 EUR in 2022 or 2023 may be totally wrong and much too high.
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    Today I dipped my toes into the equity market again. I bought in the closing moments the fucking Wehrmacht!! - how many can say that. Hugo Ferdinand Boss founded the company in 1924. In the 1930es it provided uniforms to especially the Nazi party and once the war got going to the Hitler Youth and Waffen SS. Mr. Boss died in 1948 and after the war it changed focus to making mens clothes. It is today a leading upper class mens clothes. Having survived just about anything you can throw at it, I think its really safe. It will be here for the next 50 years. Their last Q was good (and that comes even after all the Hong Kong problems) and they doubled their free cashflow. They also raised their dividend from 2.70 euro to 2.75. Today they are paying a rocking 12% which is just insane. Their P/E is 7..60 as far as I can tell and its hugely undervalued. They are probably looking at some really bad Q for the next 2Q...but who isn´t. I´m buying for what lies after the virus is under control. Oh yeah and the pic is of Himmler visiting a KZ camp...wearing a Hugo Boss uniform.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    Deres regnskab var fornuftigt, og kursen er halveret siden … Jeg er selvfølgelig træt af at jeg ikke solgte (har ikke et nært forhold til Boss), men holder fast i positionen nu. Der er ikke rigtig andet at gøre.
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.
86 päivää sitten58 min
1,35 EUR/osake
Viimeisin osinko
3,85 %

Uutiset ja analyysit

Tämän sivun uutiset ja/tai sijoitussuositukset tai otteet niistä sekä niihin liittyvät linkit ovat mainitun tahon tuottamia ja toimittamia. Nordnet ei ole osallistunut materiaalin laatimiseen, eikä ole tarkistanut sen sisältöä tai tehnyt sisältöön muutoksia. Lue lisää sijoitussuosituksista.
1,35 EUR/osake
Viimeisin osinko
3,85 %


Liity keskusteluun SharevillessäShareville on aktiivisten yksityissijoittajien yhteisö, jossa voit seurata muiden asiakkaiden kaupankäyntiä ja omistuksia.
  • 17. heinäk.
    17. heinäk.
    Én god ting ved en dårlig økonomi i Kina, er at vi slipper for de ulidelige kinesiske turister. Underligt, at de ikke køber deres egne kopivarer i stor stil? Måske har de luret lunten, og har fundet ud af, at deres eget skrammel kun holder i kort tid?
  • 24. toukok.
    24. toukok.
    Hvad sker der her?
  • 24. tammik.
    24. tammik.
    Hva tenker dere om Boss i år?
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    I've been looking at this company for quite some time. My idea to look into the stock was sparked after buying several fragrances and clothes from the BOSS and HUGO brand, and I must say I'm impressed with the constant quality they deliver. After taking a closer look into the company structure and financials, I have decided to buy the stock with the next 14 days, considering the price it has been set to by the market. I have already taken into consideration the short term consequence HUGO BOSS will face like so many others in the market right now. However, this is both a company and brand that i believe in, and which I can see stand the test of time. On top of this, it appears to have a rock solid governance which will ensure both its stability and sustainability for years to come. I recommend everyone to take a good look at their latest annual statement. It will discuss a lot of interesting points.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    I agree with you. Hugo Boss has great potential. The stock price has made a W-formation and despite 2nd wave there is light in the tunnel as several vaccines are on their way. Hugo Boss have a strong balance sheet (with limited net debt if leasing is exclued) that will weather another 3-6 months of (partial) lockdown. Q3 2020 showed that Boss quickly returned to profitability as stores reopened. I guess that Q4 will be somewhere between Q2 and Q3; not as bad as Q2 but more lockdowns than Q3. The licensing business is very margin strong: app 90% EBIT margin for the 3% of total sales (eyewear, fragrances, jewellery/watches (see Movado)). At 20-22 EUR the stock was valued at a lower EV/Sales than when it was down at 9 EUR in 2009. At that time the company had much higher net debt which kept me from buying causing me to miss out a rally to 120 EUR. Many see Boss as a formal wear company but only app 40% is formal wear and less than 1/5 of revenue come from suits. 50% are casual. Many US investors seem to believe that Boss is a formal wear company since that is the impression that many have in the US and Boss has a much higher percentage formal wear in the US market. This leads some US investors to put Boss in the same bucket as Tailored Brands, Brooks Brothers etc that have gone belly up. This is a misconception: Boss has for years adapted to the casual wear trend and kept its brand strong also in casual wear. Example: the HBO-serie Billions show that for many office workers have been wearing casual / smart casual for years. The nerd in the serie (responsible for compliance) is the one wearing suit, tie and west. Hugo Boss can be seen in posh Swedish neighborhoods (e.g. 60 year-old-men wearing their jackets as well as in the "hood" where the "bros" wear their caps, t-shirts etc, i.e. from a brand perspective it is catering to the same clientel as Mercedes car (at least that is my impression). What about the numbers? What about post-corona? My take is that Boss will hopefully be able to return to a pre-covid EPS around 3-3.40 EUR. The momentum going in to this year was strong so the brand was not hurting pre-corona. The shift towards online trading in the years to come (target is to make 400 MEUR revenue online) within a few years and growth in China are the bright spots. With a high value avarage online basket, the postal costs are relatively low for Boss in comparison to low price, fast fashion peers. What about main shareholders? In addition to the potential operational turn around this is a very interesting point: the largest shareholders is an Italian textile family (Marzetto) who is also a supplier to Boss. They have increased their stake from 10 to 15% this year. The second largest shareholder (or shareholder to be?) is one of UK's prime fashion players: Mike Ashley (Frasers). On July 3rd 2020, it was reported that he, through options, had secured access to more than 10% of Boss shares. I do not know if the delivery of the stocks are dependant on the strike price when the options are due in December 2020 and March 2021 but it is reported that Mike Ashley seeks a seat at the board so my assumption is that he ultimately will have a 10% stake. In June Manager Magazin reported that the Italians is looking for a PE-partner and Mike Ashley have recently also added massively to his Mulberry position so there are is lot of exciting potential that the big boys will get into a fight over the control over Hugo Boss. Disclaimer: I own Hugo Boss shares today, I may sell tomorrow or keep the shares for years... before investing, do your own research. All stocks can go to zero. My EPS assumption of 3 EUR in 2022 or 2023 may be totally wrong and much too high.
  • 31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    Today I dipped my toes into the equity market again. I bought in the closing moments the fucking Wehrmacht!! - how many can say that. Hugo Ferdinand Boss founded the company in 1924. In the 1930es it provided uniforms to especially the Nazi party and once the war got going to the Hitler Youth and Waffen SS. Mr. Boss died in 1948 and after the war it changed focus to making mens clothes. It is today a leading upper class mens clothes. Having survived just about anything you can throw at it, I think its really safe. It will be here for the next 50 years. Their last Q was good (and that comes even after all the Hong Kong problems) and they doubled their free cashflow. They also raised their dividend from 2.70 euro to 2.75. Today they are paying a rocking 12% which is just insane. Their P/E is 7..60 as far as I can tell and its hugely undervalued. They are probably looking at some really bad Q for the next 2Q...but who isn´t. I´m buying for what lies after the virus is under control. Oh yeah and the pic is of Himmler visiting a KZ camp...wearing a Hugo Boss uniform.
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    31. tammik. 2022 · Muokattu
    Deres regnskab var fornuftigt, og kursen er halveret siden … Jeg er selvfølgelig træt af at jeg ikke solgte (har ikke et nært forhold til Boss), men holder fast i positionen nu. Der er ikke rigtig andet at gøre.
Yllä olevat kommentit ovat peräisin Nordnetin sosiaalisen verkoston Sharevillen käyttäjiltä, ​​eikä niitä ole muokattu eikä Nordnet ole tarkastanut niitä etukäteen. Ne eivät tarkoita, että Nordnet tarjoaisi sijoitusneuvoja tai sijoitussuosituksia. Nordnet ei ota vastuuta kommenteista.



Viimeisimmät kaupat

Määräpainotettu keskihinta (VWAP)
Vaihto (EUR)
10 104 923

Huomioi, että vaikka osakkeisiin säästäminen on pitkällä aikavälillä tuottanut hyvin, tulevasta tuotosta ei ole takeita. On olemassa riski, että et saa sijoittamiasi varoja takaisin.


Dataa ei löytynyt

Asiakkaat katsoivat myös


Seuraava tapahtuma
2024 Q2-osavuosiraportti
1. elok.
5 päivää
Menneet tapahtumat
2024 Yhtiökokous14. toukok.
2024 Q1-osavuosiraportti2. toukok.
2023 Q4-osavuosiraportti7. maalisk.
2023 Vuosiraportti1. maalisk.
2023 Q3-osavuosiraportti2. marrask. 2023
Datan lähde: Morningstar, Quartr

Tuotteita joiden kohde-etuutena tämä arvopaperi

Ei saatavilla tälle kohde-etuudelle: Nordnet Markets Sertifikaatit . Näytä muut Sertifikaatit
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